Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Appointment of new headteacher

Following the interview this morning, we have appointed a new head for St Michael's who will, please God, lead the school through the transformation into a new future as a free school.
Neil Anderson is a physics teacher from Plymouth; he taught at St Boniface college. 
He is a man of great vision, a strong Catholic faith and a particular devotion to Our Lady. May God bless him as he takes up the reigns.


  1. Great!
    I went to St Boniface before having to fall back on the original St Michaels "small school" due to travel and housing issues, St Boniface even as a decommissioned monastically run school retained some of its brothers such as Br Kelly, Macarthy just to mention two (there were more)Thus having an instilled catholic pedigree.

    From an Ex bonnies, St Michaels boy (11 years ago) and past St michaels DT Teacher under Mrs E Davies, a firm, But fair past St Michaels Headmistress not to be forgotten.

    Good luck Mr Anderson.
    Ryan M Smith

  2. Thanks Ryan, for your cheery and interesting message and best wishes. I have forwarded it to Mr Anderson. The schoolchildren arrived for their first day today; he might not reply to emails for some time, I guess, with all he has to do at present!
